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Fishing Industry

Oceanside Equipment’s origin began in the fishing industry, supplying equipment to local maritime fishermen, trawling, and fish farms. Over time this has built into the country’s largest stock and broadest range of equipment available.


Commonly supplied equipment includes; Anchors, Dock Cleats, Stainless Hardware, Bait Knives/Bags & Jars, Toggle Chains, Rings, Swivels, Blocks and Rope. Managing stock throughout the year to meet the monthly fluctuation of demand in each sector/season demonstrates confidence to our customers.


See our catalogue for further product availability and information.


In addition to items listed in our catalogue we are a primary distributor of Van Beest & Wirop Industrial.

© Oceanside Equipment Limited  | Legal Notice

Head Office

Oceanside Equipment Limited, 181, Joseph Zatzman Drive, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, B3B 1R5

Office: (902) 468-4844
Fax: (902) 468-2254

Newfoundland Office

Oceanside Equipment NL Ltd., 111 Glencoe Dr., Mount Pearl, Newfoundland,

Canada, A1N 4S7

Office: (709) 745 3393
Fax: (709) 745 3401

© 2018 Oceanside Equipment Limited | Legal Notice

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